Improve Resident Safety with SafeSpace™ Fall Monitoring

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Our AI cameras recognize resident falls and quickly alert caregivers to respond.

Upgrade resident safety and potentially increase resident average length of stay with our breakthough SafeSpace™ Fall Detection system. Our AI cameras in resident rooms privately watch for falls 24×7. Upon seeing a resident on the floor, we automatically send a text to the responsible caregivers so that help can be on the way as quickly as possible. Our system is unique – it’s completely hands-off, operating without pendants, call buttons or pull cords. Nothing to wear, nothing to charge, nothing to remember; it’s perfect for memory care. After the fall, reviewing the video clip will provide valuable insights into potential injury, causes and viable avenues for remediation. Integrates with your EHR. Benefit from real-time 24×7 fall monitoring with SafeSpace Fall Monitoring today!

Key Benefits of SafeSpace Fall Monitoring

Implementing SafeSpace Fall Monitoring in your independent living, skilled nursing or assisted living facility offers numerous advantages. Our AI-driven fall recognition system ensures a high degree of accuracy. Alerts are sent automatically improving resident assurance and health outcomes, and our systems record fall times, responses and video for integration with your EHR and for fall cause remediation. Discover how our technology can revolutionize your facility’s fall monitoring today.

24/7 Hands-Free Monitoring

SafeSpace™ provides continuous monitoring without the need for pendants, call buttons, or pull cords—ideal for memory care residents who may forget or be unable to use traditional alert systems.

Immediate Caregiver Alerts

Upon detecting a fall, the system automatically sends a text to responsible caregivers, ensuring that help is on the way as quickly as possible, potentially reducing the severity of injuries.

Enhanced Resident Safety

With real-time monitoring, the system helps prevent prolonged periods of unassisted time after a fall, which can significantly reduce complications and improve outcomes.

Valuable Post-Fall Insights

The system records video clips of the fall, providing critical information on the fall’s cause, the manner of the fall, and potential injuries, aiding in better investigation and remediation.

Potential to Increase Average Length of Stay

Facilities using SafeSpace™ have the potential to see a significant increase in residents’ average length of stay, directly benefiting the facility’s financial performance.

EHR Integration

SafeSpace™ seamlessly integrates with your existing Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, simplifying documentation and improving the accuracy and efficiency of fall-related reporting.

More Benefits of SafeSpace Fall Monitoring

24/7 AI Fall Monitoring and Alerts for ALF/SNF Facilities

Comprehensive 24/7 Monitoring:

  • Continuous Surveillance: SafeSpace™ provides round-the-clock AI-driven monitoring of resident rooms, enhancing safety at all times.

Hands-Free Operation:

  • Perfect for Memory Care: Operates without wearable devices or manual triggers, ideal for residents with cognitive impairments.

Instant Caregiver Notifications:

  • Automated Alerts: Sends immediate text messages to caregivers upon detecting a fall, ensuring quick response.

Detailed Fall Documentation:

  • Invaluable Video Evidence: Captures and stores video footage of each fall for post-incident analysis and investigation.

Facilitates Fall Investigations:

  • Data-Driven Insights: Provides video evidence that supports thorough investigations, aiding in the prevention of future falls.

Privacy-Respecting Design:

  • Respect for Resident Privacy: Incorporates privacy screens in sensitive areas like bathrooms, ensuring dignity while maintaining safety.

EHR Integration:

  • Seamless Data Handling: Easily integrates with Electronic Health Record systems for streamlined documentation and reporting.

Reduction in Fall-Related Injuries:

  • Quick Response Times: Designed to minimize the time residents spend on the floor, potentially reducing the risk of injury and complications.

Supports Memory Care Residents:

  • Tailored for Cognitive Impairments: Ensures that even those with memory issues are safely monitored without needing to take any action.

Enhanced Resident Safety:

  • Constant Vigilance: Continuous monitoring reduces the likelihood of undetected falls, enhancing overall safety.

Can Increase Resident Length of Stay:

  • Potentially Longer Stays, Better Outcomes: Facilities may see an increase in average resident length of stay, benefiting both residents and the facility’s bottom line.

Cost-Effective Solution:

  • Lower Operational Costs: Reduces the need for more expensive interventions by preventing falls and injuries.

Improved Resident Well-Being:

  • Enhanced Security and Mental Health: Residents feel safer, which can lead to improved mental health and overall quality of life.

Customizable Coverage:

  • Tailored to Your Facility: Adjust the number and placement of cameras to meet the specific needs of your facility, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Proactive Fall Prevention:

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Use the insights gathered to proactively address potential fall risks, preventing future incidents.

Supports Regulatory Compliance:

  • Detailed Documentation: Provides comprehensive data and video evidence to meet regulatory requirements and avoid penalties.

Family Peace of Mind:

  • Reassurance for Loved Ones: Families can rest easy knowing that their loved ones are continuously monitored and safe.

Improved Staff Efficiency:

  • Automated Processes: Streamlines staff workflow by automating fall detection and notification, allowing caregivers to focus on other critical tasks.

Supports Continuous Improvement:

  • Ongoing Safety Enhancements: Leverage collected data to continuously refine and improve fall prevention strategies over time.

Easy Installation and Maintenance:

  • Low-Effort, High-Impact: We install and maintain SafeSpace™ for you with minimal disruption, providing long-term benefits.

    Empowering Care Through Intelligent Safety Solutions

    Imagine a world where technology seamlessly integrates with compassionate care, creating a sanctuary for your residents. With HiTC’s innovative AI solutions, achieve a new standard of safety that fosters independence while keeping your loved ones protected. Our intelligent monitoring systems not only enhance immediate fall detection but also gather invaluable data that informs ongoing safety enhancements, ensuring every resident receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs. Experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing your facility is equipped with cutting-edge technology designed not just for safety, but for the dignity and well-being of every individual you serve, paving the way for a brighter, more secure future.

    What Is SafeSpace Fall Monitoring?

    SafeSpace™ Fall Monitoring operates as an advanced, AI-driven solution designed to enhance the safety and well-being of residents in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. By using AI cameras in resident rooms, our system privately monitors for falls 24/7, automatically notifying caregivers the moment a fall is detected. Unlike traditional systems that rely on wearables, pendants, or call buttons, SafeSpace™ is entirely hands-free, ensuring that residents are continuously protected without needing to remember or interact with any device. This hands-off approach is especially beneficial for memory care residents and those who may be physically unable to activate an alert. The convenience and reliability of SafeSpace™ not only make it a superior solution but also one that residents and their families can trust for continuous safety.

    What Does SafeSpace Fall Monitoring Do?

    For facilities, SafeSpace™ is a game-changer. The system’s real-time monitoring and immediate caregiver alerts significantly reduce the time residents spend unattended after a fall, minimizing the risk of injury and improving recovery outcomes. Moreover, the ability to review video footage of the fall provides invaluable insights into the causes of incidents, allowing for better root-cause analysis and more effective remediation. This proactive approach not only enhances resident safety but also has been shown to extend the average length of stay, as evidenced by the Tiger Place study, where residents with fall sensors had an average length of stay of 4.3 years compared to 2.6 years without sensors (Tiger Place Study). This extended stay directly benefits the facility’s financial performance, making it a more attractive option for potential residents and their families.

    How Does Fall Monitoring Help?

    Families often worry about the safety of their loved ones in care facilities, but with SafeSpace™, they can rest assured that their loved ones are in good hands. The system provides peace of mind, knowing that help will be on the way immediately if needed, and that every incident is thoroughly documented, even if the resident doesn’t remember or is unwilling to admit to a fall. This removes the burden from residents of having to wear or operate a device, which can often make them feel old or dependent. Our installation and maintenance services ensure that the system is always functioning optimally, allowing families and residents to focus on what truly matters—living a healthy and fulfilling life in a safe and caring environment. SafeSpace™ is the future of fall prevention and resident care, offering a level of security and peace of mind that far surpasses existing solutions.


    Imagine a future where technology not only safeguards but enriches the lives of your residents, ensuring they thrive in a nurturing environment. With HiTC’s revolutionary AI solutions, you can create a vibrant community where safety is paramount but compassion is at the heart of everything we do. Each feature is designed with foresight, transforming routine care into a dynamic, responsive experience that honors the dignity of every individual. Join us in pioneering a new era of care, where informed insights lead to proactive solutions, and every moment matters—because your vision for health deserves the very best.

    Related Applications

    SafeFace Time Compliance

    Independently verifies the accuracy of your employee time records, reducing overbilling and payroll costs while improving productivity and ensuring PPD compliance. Using facial recognition technology and video cameras at the entrance, each employee’s clock-in and out times are automatically captured for integration with your payroll and invoicing workflows. With our fully ambient FR system, there’s no need for card keys or badges, so there is no added effort needed to validate time and attendance.

    Recapture overbilled amounts

    More accurate PPD

    Improve Perm Staff Morale

    Fully Ambient

    SafeGuard Wander Protection

    Enhance your wander system with SafeGuard™ Wander Protection. Strategically-place facial recognition cameras trigger alerts when an at-risk resident is seen outside your secured unit, reducing IJ's and litigation. Automatic video recording and remote monitoring provide support for investigations and help mitigate fines.

    Detects at-risk residents outside secured unit

    Enhances your existing wander prevention

    Touchless, nothing to carry or wear

    Video capture for future investigations

    SafeTrace Investigations

    Quickly pull up a list of video clips of staff or visitor actions just by finding their face in your face catalog and pressing Search. Then download the video clips you need for your investigation. We install and maintain the video cameras, maintain and upgrade as needed, so you will save hours on investigations every week while improving your case quality and reducing litigation costs. Our facial recognition technology provides easy retrieval, ensuring accuracy.

    Cost Reduction

    Enhanced Care Quality

    Resident Safety

    Fully Ambient

    SafeFace Access Control

    Upgrade your access system now with HiTC’s SafeFace™ Access Control module. This advanced solution leverages facial recognition to automatically and instantly unlock doors for registered staff and visitors, integrating seamlessly with your existing maglock system for a completely keyless and badgeless entry. SafeSpace™ Access Control also captures entry and exit times for easy integration with your time and attendance, HR, and payroll systems. Enjoy real-time processing with zero entry delays, and benefit from video capture for future investigations. Switch to a hassle-free, AI-driven entry system with SafeSpace Access Management today.

    Door unlocks with facial recognition

    Faster entry and exit

    Touchless, nothing to carry or wear

    Video capture for future investigations

    SafeSpace Fall Monitoring

    Our AI video will monitor for resident falls 24x7, automatically generating alerts to caregivers to enable them to respond as soon as possible. With our unique fully-ambient technology your residents don't need to remember to wear a pendant, have no buttons to push and no cords to pull. You can reduce injury, improve average length of stay and make your residents happier and healthier with our advanced AI monitoring and investigative tools. Families and residents feel safer and are more excited to choose your facility when you have a SafeSpace in each room to improve their health and reduce risk of injury due to falls. Employees feel empowered in their abilities to respond quickly to fall events. integrate your EHR with our fully ambient fall monitoring system today.

    Less time on the floor

    Faster response times

    Extend length of stay

    Fully Ambient


    Enhance Your Facility's Safety and Efficiency Today!


        From SafeTrace Investigations to SafeFace Access Control, SafeGuard Wander Protection, and SafeFace Time Compliance, our AI-driven technologies provide unmatched security, compliance, and convenience. Contact us today to schedule a demonstration and discover how our innovative systems can transform your operations and elevate resident care.   

    SafeSpace™ and HiTC™ are trademarks of Healthcare Integrated Technologies Inc.