Transforming Healthcare with AI

Transforming Tomorrow's Health Today

Discover how HiTC is leveraging cutting-edge AI technology to revolutionize healthcare across multiple sectors, including assisted living, education, pharmacies, and fitness.

Pioneering AI Solutions in Healthcare

At HiTC, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in industry through advanced AI solutions. Our mission is to create intelligent systems that improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and provide actionable insights across various health sectors, with an outreach into education, pharmacies, and fitness. By integrating AI into these areas, we aim to foster a safer, healthier, more connected world.

Our Mission

At HiTC, we are dedicated to pioneering AI-driven solutions that enhance the quality of healthcare services. Our mission is to integrate advanced technology into various health sectors, creating impactful changes in assisted living, education, pharmacies, fitness, and beyond. We believe in a future where AI not only supports but transforms the way healthcare is delivered, ensuring better outcomes for all.

Upcoming Innovations

Explore the future of healthcare with our AI-driven solutions designed to address the unique challenges of each sector.

Assisted Living Enhancements

Our upcoming AI tools provide AI-supported investigations, advanced trace and trace, facial recognition access control, time verification, AI-based wander detection, predictive health monitoring, and enhanced safety features for assisted living facilities.

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Educational Health Programs

We are developing AI-powered platforms to deliver premium and affordable safety systems for educational institutions.

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Pharmacy Automation

Our new AI solutions will streamline pharmacy drive-through processing and operations, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.

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Fitness Integration

Introducing AI-enhanced access control for fitness locations, enhancing member safety and efficiency for gym administrators.

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Cross-Sector Solutions

We are creating cross-industry-sector solutions integrating AI applications to provide improved service and streamlined customer experiences.

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Global Health Initiatives

Our future projects aim to leverage AI for global health challenges, offering scalable solutions to improve healthcare accessibility and quality worldwide.

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Innovative AI Features

Industry-Specific Solutions

Our AI technology is built as modular components that we tailored for specific industries, simplifying deployment for our customers and expanding HiTC’s market reach.

Predictive Analytics

Utilize advanced predictive analytics to foresee trends and make informed decisions, enhancing operational efficiency.

Real-Time Monitoring

Implement real-time monitoring to track health metrics and ensure timely interventions, improving patient outcomes.

Customizable Solutions

Our AI-driven platforms are highly customizable to meet the unique needs of our various customer’s needs and goals.

What Our Clients Say

HiTC’s innovative AI time verification system has put us ahead in our goals of reducing contractor overbilling. Their time verification system has resulted in significant savings in one of our most difficult areas – payroll.

Marshal Huddleston, Regional VP, Signature Health

Their technology is different and they deliver on their claims and that is a breath of fresh air from a SNF/ALF perspective. Technology always seems to promise to reduce our workload but always seems to add to it but HiTC actually reduces our workload and improved our bottom line. I highly recommend HiTC for their exceptional responsiveness and innovative solutions.

Dillion Carver, Regional Director of Operations, Hill Valley Healthcare

“As a physician I love HiTC’s AI-focused technology. They are changing the ALF/SNF game with their collaborative in-room senor AI approach. They have so many ways to help the facility provide better care and keep the residents healther and safer – where do you want me to begin?”

Dr. Susan Reyes - CEO, SR Medical Services

We’re excited to try out HiTC’s new pharmacy drive-through application. With their license plate recognition we can streamline our drive-through operations and serve our customers better.

J. M. - Pharmacy Manager

HiTC’s wander detection has proved itself and works great. It alerts us when our at-risk resdents have found their way out of the secured unit so it helps keep them safer and saves costs in unneeded IJ’s.

B.R. - CNO

Discover the Future of Healthcare

Join the revolution in healthcare technology with HiTC’s AI solutions. Click below to learn more about how we can transform your processes and performance.