Reveal Insights with SafeSpace™ AI Investigation Support!

Discover the smarter way to save time and increase the quality of your internal investigations.

With SafeFace Investigations, effortlessly select a face to instantly access video clips of actions within your facilities during a specific time frame. Utilizing our video cameras and local data storage ensures top security at minimal cost, saving hours on investigations. Our facial recognition technology automatically archives 24×7 footage for easy retrieval, guaranteeing investigation accuracy and efficiency. Embrace a hassle-free AI-driven method of collecting video evidence today with SafeFace Investigations.

Key Benefits of SafeFace Investigations

Implementing SafeFace Investigations in your skilled nursing or assisted living facility offers numerous advantages. Our AI-driven facial recognition system ensures top-notch security, operational efficiency, and enhanced care quality. Discover how our technology can revolutionize your facility’s investigative processes.

Saves Staff Time

Increases Resident and Staff Safety

Improves Care Quality

Perform Remote Monitoring

Reduces Litigation Costs

Improves Investigation Quality

Benefits of SafeTrace for SNF/ALF Investigations

Cost and Resource Efficiency:

  • Reduced Investigation Time: Speeds up the investigative process, freeing up staff time and resources.
  • Minimized Legal Risks: Provides concrete evidence in the event of disputes or legal claims, potentially reducing liability and legal costs.

Incident Documentation and Analysis:

  • Detailed Event Recording: High-resolution video captures precise details of incidents, such as falls, altercations, or unauthorized access.
  • Facial Recognition: Identifies individuals involved in incidents, aiding in verifying identities and understanding events accurately.

Enhanced Security and Safety:

  • Unauthorized Access Detection: Records all entries and exits of monitored spaces, identifying personnel and helping investigations into security breaches.
  • Resident Monitoring: Monitors residents in common areas and private rooms to ensure their safety and record unusual behavior.

Track and Trace:

  • Infection Control: Uses video and facial recognition to track movements and interactions within the facility, aiding in identifying and isolating potential sources of infection.
  • Contact Tracing: Facilitates quick and accurate contact tracing, minimizing the spread of infections by identifying individuals who may have been exposed.

Investigation Efficiency:

  • Rapid Review of Footage: Advanced video analytics and summarization tools allow quick review of hours of footage, speeding up investigations.
  • Search Capabilities: Ability to search video by specific criteria such as by face, by motion in certain areas, times of day, or presence of specific individuals.

Accurate and Reliable Evidence:

  • Timestamped Video: Provides a reliable timeline of events with accurate timestamps, essential for thorough investigations.
  • High-Resolution Footage: Ensures clear and detailed images, critical for identifying individuals and actions.

Improved Accountability:

  • Staff Monitoring: Tracks staff interactions with residents, ensuring compliance with care standards and policies.
  • Behavioral Analysis (coming soon:)Detecting and logging specific behaviors, such as aggression or neglect, helping to hold staff accountable.

Proactive Incident Prevention:

  • Real-Time Alerts: Sends immediate alerts for specific incidents, such as residents entering or leaving restricted areas or staff in restricted areas.
  • Predictive Analytics (coming soon): Uses data to predict and prevent potential incidents, enhancing overall safety.

Regulatory Compliance:

  • Documentation for Audits: Provides thorough documentation of incidents and responses, aiding in regulatory compliance and inspections.
  • Data Retention: Ensures secure and organized retention of footage, meeting legal and regulatory requirements.

Resident and Family Assurance:

  • Transparency: Builds trust with residents and their families by ensuring that all activities are monitored and recorded.
  • Peace of Mind: Provides reassurance that the facility is actively monitoring and ensuring the safety of residents.

Implementing a robust video and FR system in SNFs and ALFs significantly enhances the ability to conduct thorough, efficient, and accurate investigations, thereby improving overall safety, security, and accountability.

Discover how SafeTrace Investigations can transform your facility's security and care standards.

Contact us today to schedule a demo and see firsthand how our advanced AI solutions can save time, enhance safety, and improve care quality.

Act now to stay ahead in ensuring the best for your residents and staff.

Get Started Now

Related Applications

SafeFace Time Compliance

Independently verifies the accuracy of your employee time records, reducing overbilling and payroll costs while improving productivity and ensuring PPD compliance. Using facial recognition technology and video cameras at the entrance, each employee’s clock-in and out times are automatically captured for integration with your payroll and invoicing workflows. With our fully ambient FR system, there’s no need for card keys or badges, so there is no added effort needed to validate time and attendance.

Recapture overbilled amounts

More accurate PPD

Improve Perm Staff Morale

Fully Ambient

SafeGuard Wander Protection

Enhance your wander system with SafeGuard™ Wander Protection. Strategically-place facial recognition cameras trigger alerts when an at-risk resident is seen outside your secured unit, reducing IJ's and litigation. Automatic video recording and remote monitoring provide support for investigations and help mitigate fines.

Detects at-risk residents outside secured unit

Enhances your existing wander prevention

Touchless, nothing to carry or wear

Video capture for future investigations

SafeTrace Investigations

Quickly pull up a list of video clips of staff or visitor actions just by finding their face in your face catalog and pressing Search. Then download the video clips you need for your investigation. We install and maintain the video cameras, maintain and upgrade as needed, so you will save hours on investigations every week while improving your case quality and reducing litigation costs. Our facial recognition technology provides easy retrieval, ensuring accuracy.

Cost Reduction

Enhanced Care Quality

Resident Safety

Fully Ambient

SafeFace Access Control

Upgrade your access system now with HiTC’s SafeFace™ Access Control module. This advanced solution leverages facial recognition to automatically and instantly unlock doors for registered staff and visitors, integrating seamlessly with your existing maglock system for a completely keyless and badgeless entry. SafeSpace™ Access Control also captures entry and exit times for easy integration with your time and attendance, HR, and payroll systems. Enjoy real-time processing with zero entry delays, and benefit from video capture for future investigations. Switch to a hassle-free, AI-driven entry system with SafeSpace Access Management today.

Door unlocks with facial recognition

Faster entry and exit

Touchless, nothing to carry or wear

Video capture for future investigations

SafeSpace Fall Monitoring

Our AI video will monitor for resident falls 24x7, automatically generating alerts to caregivers to enable them to respond as soon as possible. With our unique fully-ambient technology your residents don't need to remember to wear a pendant, have no buttons to push and no cords to pull. You can reduce injury, improve average length of stay and make your residents happier and healthier with our advanced AI monitoring and investigative tools. Families and residents feel safer and are more excited to choose your facility when you have a SafeSpace in each room to improve their health and reduce risk of injury due to falls. Employees feel empowered in their abilities to respond quickly to fall events. integrate your EHR with our fully ambient fall monitoring system today.

Less time on the floor

Faster response times

Extend length of stay

Fully Ambient


Enhance Your Facility's Safety and Efficiency Today!


    From SafeTrace Investigations to SafeFace Access Control, SafeGuard Wander Protection, and SafeFace Time Compliance, our AI-driven technologies provide unmatched security, compliance, and convenience. Contact us today to schedule a demonstration and discover how our innovative systems can transform your operations and elevate resident care.   

SafeSpace™ and HiTC™ are trademarks of Healthcare Integrated Technologies Inc.